New Royalty-Free Music Out Now!

If you need music for your next video project, then check back here often as we will host the largest collection of royalty-free music, all created by our in-house production team.

Latest Music

Music to enjoy for: Exercise, Yoga, TV, Film, Stage, Podcast, Child-Care, Educational, Exploration, Sports, Commercials & Jingles.

Available for Purchase, Contract, or Lease. We aim to meet your Musical, Personal, or Professional Needs! Not for commercial use unless agreed upon.

More About Gerald

My music is an unfiltered, raw embodiment of my soul that reveals the scars, healing, pain, and triumphs of life. Music has been a constant in my life since my childhood, shaping my taste and style. I hear the voice in notes and keys, and my songs are named based on the emotions they evoke. My music is meant to inspire, move, and offer healing to those who need it. Listen to the raw passion and honesty in every song and let it bring a little bit of light into your life.