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The glory of the divine presence, conventionally represented as light or interpreted symbolically
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“These Nurses”
Gerald’s Original Songs from the Heart Spirit & Soul are all about Life & Truth. What a person has been through and lived is in every verse of lyrics. “These Nurses” was actually written for two Nurses over 2 years ago, but after the COVID-19 pandemic hit, it made sense to modify the lyrics to honor our Nurses, Doctors, EMS, and other front-liners that’s stood shoulder-to-shoulder, holding this nation down.
I had to write about all of those truth-telling Nurses, those oath-keeping Doctors, the trusting-in-God EMS workers, and those walking-by-faith Front Liners.
I wanted to lyrically capture what I could only imagine being the things they were seeing and going through. It was my way to say “Thank you. I see and need you.”
Snippet of "These Nurses"

A Portion of Proceeds Benefit the Community
From Hat Sales
$5 from the sale of each hat will go directly back into Our Communities.
$2, will go to the Booker T. Washington High School student body, in honor of Mrs. Daisy Flagg, my former homeroom teacher. These funds will go to help a struggling student in need of necessary supplies. My goal, here, is to encourage a child to stay in school and not drop out, because they feel left out, as I did.
Another $2 will be going to a Grady Hospital Doctor that’s has a foundation that assists people with housing to quarantine until well, that can’t afford to.
$1 will go to the Youth Department at my place of worship.
From Song Sales:
$2 from every song sold is going to help Nurses who have contracted the Corona Virus while working to help others and their families.
My target goal is to sell 10,000 units or more, to help.
We’re fighting an invisible enemy who’s lodging & launchpad we cannot find, to stop its Evil plans of Mass Destruction of dead bodies of people of color being left behind.